We invite 10- 12 outstanding men and women to join us this summer for six intensive and exhilerating weeks in Sharon, MA.
The Summer Beit Midrash will be held WEDNESDAY, JULY 2 - FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 2008. (29 Sivan- 10 Menachem Av 5768)
Applicants must be proficient in reading rabbinic texts, display talent for leadership positions in the Jewish community, and be fully committed to halacha.
Please contact Rabbi Klapper at or Ellen Cohn, Program Coordinator for further information at or (516) 538-1685.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Public Shiurim
Pre-shiur preparation available with SBM Kollel, starting at 7:00pm.
Shiurim begin immediately after Mincha/Maariv, at 8:30pm.
July 5 --- Rabbi Klapper: Is there a Mitzvah to Prevent Genocide?
July 10 --- Rabbi Klapper: The Struggle Between the Israeli and American Orthodox Rabbinates: Historical and Halakhic Comments, Practical Implications.
July 12 --- Rabbi Aron Liebowitz: Orthodoxy and the Carlebach Movement.
July 17 --- Rabbi Dov Linzer: Are Women Obligated to Procreate?
July 19 --- Rabbi Klapper: Are Workers More than Wage Slaves? Toward a Torah Labor Ethic.
July 23 --- Rabbi Klapper: Are There Limits to Kibbud Av Vaeim (The Obligation to Honor Parents)?